22 - 24 May 2019 SKYCITY Hamilton Convention Centre
Kirikiriroa, Aotearoa New Zealand
*Kirikiriroa is the Māori name for Hamilton. The Tainui people called part of the west bank of the Waikato River Kirikiriroa, from kirikiri, 'gravel' and roa, 'long' – 'long stretch of gravel'.
RANZCOG New Zealand 2019 ASM organising committee
Dr Narena Dudley - ASM convenor
Dr Joy Marriott - ASM scientific programme chair
Professor Peter Stone - ASM scientific programme advisor
Dr Cindy Chang - Member of the ASM organising committee
Dr Leigh Duncan - Chair of He Hono Wāhine
Dr John Tait - Member of the New Zealand Committtee
THE Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologist trading as "RANZCOG" is a fully Australasian Organisation, overseas ACN company and NZ operated registered company.