Pacific Emergency Maternal and Neonatal Training
(PEMNeT) workshop

Monday 18 and Tuesday 19 March, 2024
Clinical training and education centre (CTEC), Middlemore Hospital

Workshop aim: Mahi ngātahi, kia haumaru ai te whānautanga ō te pēpi | Making childbirth safer, by working together

Workshop description: This is a practical workshop open to all maternity doctors, nurses and midwives. It is a hands-on course for practicing obstetric / birth emergency skills together with good teamwork. This is PSRH's own course, supported by PROMPT Global. There are no prerequisites.

Workshop faculty: Our faculty team is a mixture of doctors and midwives, Pacific and non-Pacific based who run PEMNeT or PROMPT in their own country.

Note: this time the workshop is a PEMNeT course. It is not a training to become a PEMNeT facilitator.

Monday 18 March


Session 1
  • Welcome, introductions, housekeeping
  • What is PEMNeT?
  • Why do mothers and babies die in the Pacific?
10.30amMorning tea
11.00amSession 2
Communication and teamwork
  • Declaring the emergency
  • Clear communication
  • Handover and referral / ISBAR
  • Clear team roles, leaders and followers
  • Use of checklists and systems
  • Situational awareness
1.30pmSession 3
  • The deteriorating mother / MEWS
  • Maternal collapse
  • Sepsis
3.00pmAfternoon tea
3.30pmSession 4
NLS - Neonatal life support / EENC - Essential early newborn care
4.30pmEnd of day 1

Tuesday 19 March

8.30amSession 1                                                                                        
  • Recap day 1
  • Emergency boxes
  • Preeclampsia and eclampsia
10.30amMorning tea
11.00amSession 2
  • Shoulder dystocia
  • Cord prolapse
1.30pmSession 3
Major obstetric haemorrhage session 1
3.00pmAfternoon tea
3.30pmSession 4
Major obstetric haemorrhage session 2
4.30pmFeedback and presentation of certificates
5.00pmEnd of PEMNet workshop